Aversion to all food, she cannot eat anything,
Loathing of food. [GRIMM, 1. c; GOERITZ, in Bresl. Samml., 1728.1] Loathing of all food. [ALBERTI, 1.c.]
395. Irresistible loathing of all food, so that he cannot think of eating without nausea. [EBERS, 1. c]
It is impossible for him to get his food down. [RICHARD, 1. c] The smell of boiled meat is unbearable to him. [RICHARD, 1. c.] Repugnance to butter.
Desire for brandy. [Hg.]
400. Desire for sour things. [Stf.] Desire for vinegar and water.
Great desire for acids and acidulous fruit. Great desire for coffee.
Great appetite for milk, to which before she was averse.
405. While eating, a compressive sensation on the chest.
Soon after breakfast and after dinner, pressure on the stomach with empty eructations for three hours, causing a lassitude of body which produced squeamishness.
Before eating, nausea, and after eating or drinking, distension or pressure and cutting in the abdomen.
Eructation, after taking food.
Much eructation, especially after drinking.
410. Ineffectual efforts to eructate.
Eructation, caused by flatus coming upward. Constant eructation. [GOERITZ, 1.c.] Frequent empty eructation (aft. 1/2 h.). [Lgh.] Frequent empty eructation.
415, Constant, severe, empty eructation, with numb feeling of the head. (aft. 36 h.) Sour eructation after dinner.
Bitter eructation after eating with belching up of greenish, bitter mucus. An acrid liquid rises into the mouth.
Frequent hiccup after eating, every time followed by eructation. [Lgh.]
420. Frequent hiccup and eructation. [MORGAGNI, 1.c.] Convulsive hiccup. [ALBERTI, 1.c.]
Hiccup, at night, when rising, with scratching, nauseous taste in the mouth. Long-continued hiccup, in the hour when the fever should have come.
Qualmishness at 11 A.M. and at 3 P.M.
425. Nausea. [PFANN,1 Samml, merkw. Falle, Nurnb., 1750, p. 129, 130; N. Wahrn, 1 c; KAISER, 1.c.]
Nausea in the fauces and stomach. Nausea, with anguish. [ALBERTI, 1.c.]
Long-continued nausea, with faintness, trembling, heat all over, followed by a shiver, (aft. some h.)
Qualmishness and nausea compelling the person to lie down in the forenoon, at the same time tearing about the ankle and the dorsum of the foot,
430. Frequent nausea, with a sweetish taste in the mouth, not immediately after eating. Nausea, more in the throat, with gathering of water in the mouth.
Nausea, with abortive waterbrash, shortly before and after dinner.
Nausea, when sitting; much water collected in the mouth, as in waterbrash; while walking, the nausea passed off, followed by a discharge of a copious