
The Science of Homeopathy – page 273

Dryness of the tongue. [GUILBERT, 1.c.; MAJAULT, 1.c.] Much saliva ejected he had to spit out frequently. [Hbg.]
350. The saliva ejected tastes bitter. Bloody saliva [N. m. ch. Wahrn., 1.c.]
Slimey in the mouth and throat (aft. 2 h.). Ejection of grey mucus by hawking.
Salty expectoration (by hawking?). [RICHARD, l.c.]
355. Bitter expectoration. [RICHARD, 1.c.]
Green, bitter expectoration (by hawking) in the morning. Bitterness in the mouth, with yellow diarrhoea. [MORGAGNI, 1.c.] Bitter taste in the mouth, after a meal.
Bitter disgusting taste in the mouth, after eating and drinking.
360. Bitterness in the throat, after eating, while the food tastes normally on alternate days (like a tertian fever).
Bitter taste in the mouth, without having eaten anything. Bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning. [Hg.]
Wooden, dry taste in the mouth. Rotten fetid taste in the mouth.
365. Putrid taste in the morning, as of putrid meat. Sour taste in the mouth, all the food tastes sour. All the food tastes salty.
The food tastes as if it had too little salt. The beer tastes flat.
370. The unhopped beer tastes bitter.

Adipsia, lack of thirst.
Thirst. [PREUSSIUS 1.c.; RAU, 1.c.; PET DE APPONO, de ven.1]
Great thirst. [ALBERTI, 1. c, TOM. II.] Severe thirst, constant. [BUETTNER, 1.c.]
375. Violent thirst. [MAJAULT, 1.c.] Choking thirst. [FORESTUS, 1.c.] Burning thirst. [MAJAULT, 1.c.2]
Unquenchable thirst. [BUCHHOLZ, 1. c; GUILBERT, 1. c; CREUGER.] Unquenchable thirst, with dryness of the tongue, the fauces and the gullet. [GUELDENKLEE, 1.C.]
380. Uncommon thirst, so that he has to drink much cold water every ten minutes, from morning till evening, but not at night. [Fr., H.]
Extremely violent thirst and drinking affords no refreshment and refection. [KAISER, 1.c.]
He drinks much and often. [Stf.]
With great thirst, he drinks often, but always little at a time. [RICHARD, 1.c.3] Violent thirst, but he only drinks little at a time. [Whl.]
385. Violent thirst, not without appetite for eating. [KNAPE, 1.c.]
Lack of appetite, with violent thirst. [STOERK, med. Jahrg. I. p. 207.4] Lack of appetite. [JACOBI, 1.c.]
Loss of appetite. [KAISER, 1.c.]
Total lack of appetite. [BUCHHOLZ, in Hufel. Journ., 1. c.]
390. No appetite, but when he eats he relishes food. Lack of hunger and appetite for ten days. [Fr., H.]