
The Science of Homeopathy – page 269

and of the neck reached an enormous size. [Whl.] Swollen eyes and lips. [KNAPE, 1.c.]
Painless swelling under the left eye, which partly closes the eye, and is very soft (aft. 5 d.). [Fr., H.]
200. Yellowness of the eyes, as in jaundice.
Yellow white of the eyes, as in a person having jaundice. [Whl.] Tired look of the eyes. [KAISER, 1.c.]
Dryness of the eyelids, as if they rubbed on the eyes, in reading by candlelight. The edges of the eylids pain on motion, as if they were dry, and rubbed upon the eyeballs, as well in the open air, as in the room.
205. Watering of the eyes. [GUILBERT, 1.c.]
Constant, severe Iachrymation of the right eye, for eight days. [Fr. 4] Acrid tears, making the cheeks sore, [GUILBERT 1.c.4]
Watering and itching of the eyes, some pus in them in the morning. [Fr. H.] Eyelids glued together in the morning.
210. The outer canthi are glued together by eyegum, in the morning. [Whl.] Contortion of the eyes. [J. MAT. MULLER, in Ephem. N.C., Cent. 1, C. 51.5] Contortion of the eyes and of the muscles of the neck. [Eph. N., Cent. X, app., p. 463.6]
215. Protruding eyes. [GUILBERT, 1.c.] Protruded eyes. [KAISER, 1.c.]
Rigid eyes, directed upward. [KAISER, 1. c] Frightfully staring eyes. [MYRRHEN, 1. c.1] Wildly staring look. [GUILBERT, l.c.]
220. Wildly staring look. [Whl.]
Wildly staring look, without dilatation of the pupils. [KAILSER, 1.c.]
Wild look. [MAJAULT, in Samml. br. Abhandl. f. pra. Aerzte. VII, 1, 59 and 2, 69.2]
His eyelids close themselves; he is weary. [Hbg.] Contracted pupils {aft. l1/2, 5 h.). [Lgh.]
225. Weakness of vision, for a long time. [MYRRHEN, 1. c.3] obscure vision, as through a white gauze.
He does not recognize the persons standing around him. [RICHARD, 1. c] Obscuration of sight. [BAYLIES, 1.c.]
Obscuration of sight; everything looks black before his eyes (at once). [RICHARD, 1.c.]
230. Darkness and flickering before his eyes. [KAISER, 1.c.]
Almost total blindness, in a weak-sighted woman, with loss of the hearing and with long-continued dullness of the senses. [EBERS, 1.c.4]
Everything becomes yellow before the eyes, during qualmishness.[ALBERTI, l.c.] White dots or points before the eyes.
Sparks before the eyes. [EBERS, 1.c.5]
235. Sensitiveness to light, photophobia. [EBERS, l.c.6] Snow blinds the eyes, so that they water.

Otalgia. [Bhr.]
Cramp-like pain in the external ears. Tearing in the interior of the ear.
240. Drawing tearing in the left lobule.