Burning itching on the hairy scalp. [KNAPE, 1. c]
Painful itching like ulceration, inciting to scratching on the whole hairy scalp, which pains all over, but chiefly on the occiput, as if from suffused blood (aft. 7 h.). [Lgh.]
A pimple covered with scurf on the left side of the hairy scalp, inciting to scratching, and painful when rubbing as if festering underneath, (aft. 2 h.). Eruptive pimples on the whole hairy scalp, which pain, on rubbing and touching, as if festering below, or as if suffused with blood (aft. 11 h.). [Lgh.]
170. Innumerable pimples, very red, upon the hairy scalp [VIGAT, 1. c.1] Eruption of pustules with burning pain, on the hairy scalp and in the face. [HEIMREICH, 1. c.]
Pimples on the left temple, inciting to scratching, and discharging bloody water, and, after rubbing, pain as if sore. [Lgh.]
Two large pimples on the forehead between the eyebrows, inciting to scratching, discharging bloody water, and filled next day with pus. [Lgh.] Corrosive ulcers on the hairy scalp. [KNAPE, 1. c]
175. Ulcerous scab, a finger’s breadth in thickness, on the hairy scalp, falling off a few weeks later. [HEINREICH, 1.c.]
Ulcerous scab on the hairy scalp, to the middle of the forehead. [KNAPE, 1.c.]
The right eye pained deep internally, with violent stitches in turning it, so that she could hardly turn her eye.
Pressive pain above the left eyelid and in the upper half of the eyeball, aggravated on looking upward.
Pressive pain under the right eye, continuing for hours, at night, so that she could not stay in bed for distress.
180. Pressure in the left eye, as if sand had got into it (aft. 2 h.). [Lgh.] Drawing pain in the eyes, and quivering in the lids.
Twitching in the left eye.
Constant quivering of the upper eyelids, with tears in the eyes.
The (oedematously swollen) eyelids close firmly and spasmodically and look as if they were bloated. [Whl.]
Tearing in the eye, at intervals. [SCHLEGEL, in Hb. u. Tr.2]
Throbbing, like pulsation, in the eyes, and at every throb a stitch, after midnight.
185. Itching about the eyes and the temple, as if pricked with innumerable red-hot needles.
Smarting, corrosive itching in both eyes, compelling to scratch (aft. 3. h.) [Lgh.] Burning on the edge of the upper eyelids.
Burning in the eyes.
Burning in the eyes, the nose, and the mouth. [N. med. chir. Wahrnehm., 1.c.]
190. Red, inflamed eyes. [N. med. chir. Wahrn., 1.c.] Inflammation of the conjunctiva. [KAISER, 1.c.]
Inflammation of the eyes. [HEUN, allgem. med. Annalen, 1805, Febr.1] Violent inflammation of the eyes. [GUILBERT, 1.c.2]
Swelling of the eyes. [QUELMALZ, 1.c.3]
195. Swelling of the eyelids. [N. med. chir. W., 1.c.] Oedematous swelling of the eyelids, without pains. [Whl.]
Swelling, first of the upper, then of the lower left eyelid, then of the forehead, the head and the neck, without pain or secretion of mucus; the swelling of the head