Great heaviness in the head, with roaring in the ears; it goes off in the open air, but at once returns when coming again into the room (aft. 16 h.).
130. Excessive heaviness of the head, as if the brain was pressed down by a load, with roaring in the ears, in the morning after rising from bed (aft. 24 h.).
Heaviness of the head with pressive pain, in the morning (aft. 72 h.). Pressive pain in the right temporal region, in all positions (aft. 3 h.). [Lgh.] Pressive, drawing pain in the right side of the forehead (aft. 23/4 h.). [Lgh.]
Pressive, stitch-like pain in the left temple, not passing off by touching (aft. 2 1/2 h.). [Lgh.]
135. Tension in the head; headache, as if stretched. Pinching headache above the eyes, soon passing away.
Drawing headache under the coronal suture, for several hours every afternoon. Tearing pains in the occiput. [Bhr.]
Tearing in the head and at the same time in the right eye.
140. Headache, composed of tearing and heaviness, with drowsy weariness during the day (aft. 4 d.).
Tearing stitches in the left temple.
Stitch-like pain in the left temple, which ceased on touching the part. [Lgh.]
Throbbing headache in the forehead, just above the root of the nose.
Violently throbbing headache in the forehead, on motion. [Stf.]
145. Violently throbbing headache in the whole head, especially in the forehead, with nausea on raising himself in bed. [Stf.]
Sharp, hard throbbing, like chopping, in the whole head, as if it would drive her skull apart, at night (about 2 A.M.), with an outbreak of perspiration.
Hammering, like blows of a hammer in the temples, very painful, at noon and at midnight for half hour, after which for a couple of hours she feels paralyzed in the body.
Dull throbbing headache in one half of the head, extending to above the eyes. On motion, a sensation as if the brain was moving and beat against the skull.
150. On motion of the head, the brain feels as if shaking about, with pressure on it, in walking. [Whl.]
Clicking sensation in the head, over the ear, when walking.
Outer Head.
The skin of the head pains, when touched, as if festering.
Painfuiness of the hair on being touched.
Falling out of the hair of the head. [BAYLIES in Samml. br. Abhandl. fuer pr. Aerzte, VII, w, p. 110.1]
155. Pains as from a bruise on the external head, aggravated when touched. Contractive pain in the head.
Formication on the integument of the occiput, as if the roots of the hairs moved. Burning pain on the hairy scalp. [KNAPE, 1.c.]
Swelling of the head. [HEIMREICH in Act. N.C. II, obs. 10.2] 160. Swelling of the whole head. [QUELMALZ, 1.c.2]
Swelling of the head and face. [SIEBOLD in Hufel, Journ., IV, part I, p. 3.4] Extraordinary swelling of the head and face. [KNAPE, 1.c.]
Swelling of the skin of the head, the face, the eyes, the neck and the chest with natural color. [KNAPE, 1.c.]
Itching gnawing on the head. [KNAPE, 1.c.]
165. Gnawing itching on the whole head, inciting to scratch. [Lgh.]