XIII., 4.2]
95. The head is strongly muddled, in the evening (3d d.).
Weakness in the head, from much pain, with weakness and qualmishnesss in the scrobiculus cordis, so severe that she was really ill.
Dizzy in the head when walking in the open air, aggravated on reentering the room (aft. 1/2h.).
Numb feeling in the head. [BUCHHOLZ, Beitr. z. ger. Arzneik, IV., 164 3] Silly in the head, after sleeping.
100. Confused feeling in the head. [Hbg.]
Stupefaction in the head as from precipitate haste in performing an excessive amount of work, with internal restlessness (aft. 2 d.).
Stupefaction, with loss of sensation and vertigo. [EBERS, 1.c.4] Sensation of reeling in the head. [ALBERTI, 1.c.]
Reeling, stupid and dizzy in the head, while taking a walk, most of all in the fore- head, as if intoxicated, so as to stagger now to this side, now to that, and every moment was afraid of falling (aft. 9 1/2h.). [Lgh.]
105. Vertigo. [KAISER, 1.c.; THOMSON, Edinb. Vers., IV; SENNERT, Prat. med. lib., 6, p. 6.5]
Vertigo when sitting.
Vertigo only when walking, as if he would fall to the right side. [Lgh.]
Vertigo every evening; she has to hold on to something when she shuts her eyes. Vertigo, with obscuration of vision. [MYRRHEN, 1.c.]
110. Vertigo, with loss of thoughts when rising. [Stf.]
Violent vertigo with nausea, when lying down; he has to sit up to diminish it. [Stf.] Vertigo, with headache. [KAISER, 1.c.]
Pains in the head. [GRIMM, Misc. N.C., Dec. III, ann. 7, 8.6]
Pains in the head and vertigo for several days. [G. W. WEDEL, Diss. de Arsenjen. 1719, p. 10.7]
115. Headache of excessive severity. [JOH. JACOBI and RAU, Acta N.C.; KNAPE, Annal der Staats-Arzneikunde, 1, 1.8]
Headache in the occiput. Semilateral headache. [KNAPE, l.c.]
Headache, for several days, immediately relieved by applying cold water, but on removing it is much worse than before.
Headache above the left eye, very severe in the evening and at night. [Hg.]
120. Periodic headache. [TH. RAU, 1.c.]
Stupefying, pressive headache, especially in the forehead, in every position. [Lgh.] Stupefying, pressive headache, especially on the right side of the forehead, just above the right eyebrow, paining as if sore on wrinkling his forehead. [Lgh.] Stupefying, pressive headache, chiefly on the forehead, with fine stitches on the left temporal region, near the outer canthus, when walking and standing, passing off when sitting (aft. 2 h.). [Lgh.]
Pain, as from a bruise, on one side of the head, in the morning immediately on rising from bed (aft. 12 h.).
125. Sensation as if beaten on the front of the head.
Pain in the forehead and above the nose, as from a bruise or sore, going off for short time by rubbing.
Heavy and confused sensation in the head, so that he cannot easily rise; he has to lie down.
Great heaviness in the head, especially when standing and sitting. [BUCHHOLZ, l.C.1]