Appendix A
Hahnemann’s Proving of Arsenicum Album
It is difficult to convey the extreme detail with which a carefully con- ducted proving is done. In order to provide the reader with a good ex- ample of proving, extensive portions of Hahnemann’s original proving of Arsenicum album follows. Arsenicum is one of the most commonly used remedies in the homeopathic materia medica. The symptoms listed are a compilation of both accidental poisoning symptoms and symptoms produced by actual provers. If the entire proving were to be printed, it would occupy approximately fifty-one pages. However, it is unlikely that any reader would read such a proving in its entirely in this text and therefore, only a fraction of the complete proving is included here (for the entire record, see Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases).
The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-provers are: Bhr., Baehr; Fr. H., Friedrich Hahnemann; Htb. u. Trv Hartlaub u. Trinks; Hg., Hering; Hbgv Hornburg; Lgh., Langhammer; Mr., Meyer; Stf., Stapf.
1. Sadness and gloominess.
Melancholy, sad mood, after a meal, with headache (aft. 80 h.)
Sad, sorrowful ideas, in the evening in bed, as if some misfortune might have hapened to one’s relatives.
Religious melancholy and reserve. [EBERS, in Hufeland’s Jour., 1813, Oct., P 81]
5. He wept and howled, and spoke but little and briefly. [Stf.]
Piercing wailings, interrupted by fainting fits coming on. [FRIEDRICH, in Hufeland’s Jour, V., p. 172 2]
Piteous wailings, that a most violent constriction of the chest was taking