Chapter 20
Socioeconomic and Political Implications of Homeopathy
IT IS NOT enough to merely introduce an idea into the world and then passively wait for its acceptance by society. New ideas always challenge conventional viewpoints and traditional structures. For that reason, they are accepted only slowly and with great difficulty. Nev- ertheless, if an idea is based on fundamental truth, it will eventually be accepted in spite of the many obstacles. This is the situation facing
In homeopathy, we have a therapy which has profound value for the future of our societies. Not only is it a therapy which can effectively cure chronic diseases, but it is a method of stimulating the defense mechanism and balancing the constitution of patients. It is capable of enhancing the degree of productivity, creativity, and serenity of people by removing the susceptibility to disturbing influences. This fact alone has startling implications for our societies. If we imagine a time in the future when homeopathy has become the major therapeutic method, and homeopaths of high standards are available to everyone in the so- ciety, we can see clearly the powerfully beneficial influence that home- opathy could have. As more and more people are successfully treated, there would be less inefficiency in work, there would be fewer tenden- cies for the socially disruptive acts which plague our societies today, there would be less need for artificial drugs which are used in order to experience momentary relief from suffering, and there would be greater tendencies for people to work together for common values and the attainment of greater wisdom. As homeopathy becomes a more