homeopath must first win the full confidence of the patient, explain clearly the importance of the needed information, and display a great deal of the patience with the attempts to recall symptoms. Every clue must be followed out, and perhaps even allopathic records must be studied for valuable hints.
If it turns out that the original case is totally unavailable and the case is very confused, the best procedure remaining is to try to anti- dote the effects of previous remedies and then to allow enough time to pass for the true image to emerge. Generally, the best way to accom- plish this is to palliate the patient’s symptoms with appropriate allo- pathic drugs for about three months. The drugs will relieve some of the symptoms of the patient, but they will also create a disruptive influence on the defense mechanism. The drugs should then be discontinued, and a period of about one month allowed to pass before attempting to choose the remedy. Exactly how long to wait before giving the remedy is a matter of clinical judgment, depending upon the seriousness of the ailment and the intensity of the suffering of the patient. Hopefully, the disordered defense mechanism will still have enough strength to settle down into a manifestation of the correct remedy.
Other methods of antidoting confused cases can be used, but they are usually less effective than allopathic drugs. Coffee can be taken several times a day. In my experience, this will antidote remedies with- in 3 days to 9 months, depending upon the constitutional weakness and sensitivity of the patient. A patient who happens to be very susceptible to coffee will react immediately, as will a patient with a very weak constitution. Since the length of time required to antidote prescriptions by coffee is difficult to predict in advance, this is a relatively impracti- cal method. An attempt could also be made by covering the patient’s body with a substance containing a large amount of camphor; usu- ally, liniments and “vapo-rubs” are best for this purpose. Again, the amount of exposure required to successfully antidote remedies by this method is an individual matter. For this reason, if a disordered case must be antidoted, I would recommend allopathic drugs as the most reliable method.
Allopathically Disordered or Suppressed Cases
Every homeopath, without exception, is constantly faced with pa- tients who are or have been taking allopathic drugs prior to the original homeopathic consultation. If the allopathic drugs are relatively weak, or only occasionally taken, then the obvious policy is to merely dis- continue them and wait 15-30 days before taking the full homeopathic