
The Science of Homeopathy – page 236

impression that their overall state is improved.
Incurable cases can never be expected to demonstrate a jump from one major level of health to another more peripheral one. The only reasonable goal is palliation of immediate sufferings so that the re- mainder of the patient’s life can be relatively comfortable.
In such cases, relapses occur very quickly and frequently. When relapses do occur, the remedy image has almost certainly changed, so the prescriber must be very astute and attentive to new remedy images. If skin eruptions or discharges occur, they are unlikely to be accom- panied by real amelioration on deeper levels of the patient although amelioration will definitely ensue in a small percentage of cases. The suffering from such eruptions or discharges can be expected to be very severe and obstinate. Frequently, some prescription rapidly becomes an absolute necessity in such cases, even though the new remedy im- age has not yet become clear. Nevertheless, the homeopath must settle on the remedy most close to the case in the moment. This, of course, requires great skill; therefore, such cases should generally not be un-
dertaken by beginning prescribers.
In incurable cases, the return of old symptoms is usually not ob- served; the defense mechanism is too weak to return to an earlier level of vibration.
Assuming excellent prescribing, incurable cases have a chance to survive in relative comfort for many years, depending of course upon the original severity of the condition. Their manifestations rarely fol- low the traditional directions of curative response, so only the skill and experience of the homeopath can bring about effective palliation.
This chapter may seem to imply that under homeopathic treatment, patients suffering with severe chronic diseases suffer inexorably. This can be true, of course, in the severest of cases, but the fact remains that during the whole time of treatment they definitely suffer less than their original state would have produced in the absence of homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic treatment is always worthwhile in such cases, for it is their only hope for palliation.