Chapter 2
The Three Levels of the Human Being
THERE is a readily identifiable hierarchy in the construction of the human being. Most basically, this hierarchy is characterized by three levels:
- Mental/Spiritual
- Emotional/Psychic
- Physical (including sex, sleep, food, and five senses)
These levels are not in reality separate and distinct, but rather there is a complete interaction between them. Nevertheless, the degree of health or disease of the individual can be evaluated from a survey of all three levels. This is a crucial determination for any health practitioner to be able to make, because it is essential for evaluating the progress of the patient.
Of course, there are also hierarchies within these three basic planes. The hierarchies are illustrated in Figure 1. In a simplified one- or two- dimensional representation, the mental plane is seen to be the most central, the highest in the hierarchy, because on this level are the func- tions most crucial to the expression of the individual as a human being; the physical level, although important, is nevertheless listed as most peripheral (as least significant) in the hierarchy.
Figure 2 is a breakdown of Figure 1 into individual functions. With- in each plane, there is a further hierarchy of individual functions. As the practitioner is concerned primarily with disease, the hierarchies listed in Figure 2 show a listing of the symptoms which are the nega- tive aspects of the corresponding functions.