
The Science of Homeopathy – page 219

clearly identified in the follow-up record, and the reliability of these symptoms must be very carefully evaluated by the interviewer. An er- ror made by too readily trusting a patient’s answers in these categories can lead to serious mistakes in prescribing. The remaining symptoms are accessory clues for interpreting action of the initial remedy, but they eventually provide the basis upon which further prescriptions are based.

The Homeopathic Aggravation

The issue of the homeopathic aggravation is perhaps the most con- troversial and most misunderstood aspect of curative prescribing. It is in this respect, perhaps, that homeopaths depart most dramatically from other therapeutic systems, and misunderstandings over this is- sue have created serious schisms within the homeopathic profession as well.
Since the simillimum for a given patient produces similar symp- toms in healthy individuals, it must be expected that it will produce the same symptoms in the sick individual as well. Thus it is logical to assume that a truly curative response will be preceded by some degree of aggravation of symptoms. As has been described at great length in Section I, the defense mechanism of a patient can only manifest its activity by means of symptoms. Our purpose in giving a homeopathic remedy is to stimulate the defense mechanism of the patient in such a way that it can finally cure the illness against which it has been strug- gling. In order, therefore, to produce a truly curative response, it is not only expected but desirable that an aggravation of symptoms be produced after administration of the correct remedy.
The homeopathic aggravation can be considered as a way in which the organism is “encouraged” by the indicated medicine to “confess,” to bring to light deep-seated troubles or evil tendencies that were op- pressing it before. To be completely free, an organism must be fully expressive and creative in the context of its immediate reality. When its expression is inhibited, suppressed, rendered secret, or obstructed, then we have an ill individual. During the homeopathic interview, therefore, the prescriber must to some extent draw out this “inner” expression of the defense mechanism in order to discover the precise remedy for that patient. The remedy then produces a stimulation of the defense mechanism, which creates for a time a heightened exacerbation of the symptoms which are the only manifestation of its action visible to our perception.
In this way it can readily be understood that, especially in chronic