
The Science of Homeopathy – page 20

  1. Mental level
  2. Emotional level
  3. Physical level

At any moment, the activity of a person is centered mainly on one of these three levels. The center of activity may change frequently, even rapidly, depending on the intention or the circumstances of the person, but always there is a dynamic interaction among these three levels.

When a person functions on one of these levels, the whole integrat- ed system cooperates to fulfill its objective in the best possible way. A long distance runner during the activity of running has mobilized fully all functions onto the physical level. The same is true when someone does manual labor. A man who tries to solve a difficult problem has his mental faculties mobilized, while his emotions and physical functions are kept quiet. A man who meets his beloved after a long separation allows full play to his emotions while reducing the mental and physical activities.

Of course, it is always the whole of the person that is acting, but his attention, his awareness, is centered upon the particular plane on which he has elected to function. This concept may seem simplistic and of little practical value, but we shall later see that it has the most profound significance in the process of producing and evaluating a cure of disease.


Summary of Chapter 1


  1. The human being is an integrated whole acting all the time through three distinct levels: the mental, the emotional, the physical, the mental level being the most important, and the physical the least.
  2. The activity of the organism may be passive or active. In dis- ease, the “reactions” of the defense mechanism to various stimuli are of most concern to the practitioner.
  3. The human being, from the moment of birth, lives in a dynamic environment which is affecting his organism at all times in many ways, and is, therefore, obliged to adjust continuously in order to maintain a dynamic equilibrium.
  4. If the stimuli are stronger than the organism’s natural resistance, a state of imbalance will occur with signs and symptoms erroneously labeled “disease.”
  5. The results of this struggle can be seen primarily either upon the mental or emotional or the physical level, depending upon the overall state of