
The Science of Homeopathy – page 18

  1. A quite healthy person’s system will resist humidity with mini- mal disturbance of the existing equilibrium and will recover without any significant sequelae.
  2. A person with a lesser degree of health may develop stiffness of muscles, pains in the joints, sinusitis, rhinitis, or asthma. The focus of disturbance in such a case is primarily on the physical body.
  3. Another person with an even worse state of health may develop an anxiety state or even depression in such a climate. The focus of disturbance here is on the emotional plane.
  4. Someone with very poor health may develop dullness of mind and an inability to concentrate. The focus in this instance is on the mental level.

In each of these examples, the morbific stimulus (humidity) is re- ceived by receptors on the physical level of the organism. The effect is felt by the entire organism on all levels, but the resulting manifesta- tion of imbalance or disturbance is expressed on one level or another depending on the predisposing weakness of the individual.

The influence of the family can also be an extremely powerful fac- tor in the health of the individual. Again, let us demonstrate in some detail how the individuality of the person is combined with external circumstances to produce a variety of possible conditions. We will take as an example a stressful relationship between a mother and a daughter due to a subconscious competition or jealousy, considering only the effect on the daughter. In such a situation, the emotional tension can reach an incredible degree. even unintentional words or actions of the mother can produce extreme pain to the daughter. If such a situation remains unresolved over a long time, the daughter’s reaction may take one of the following forms:

  1. If the daughter is quite healthy, she may eventually disregard and ignore the mother’s influence. She “understands” the whole situation, and the initial stress is easily released. The stimulus in this instance has not overcome the organism’s natural resistance, and thus has not created a state of imbalance.
  2. If the daughter’s organism is constitutionally not quite so healthy, there may well develop a disturbance manifesting as severe acne on the face, or eczema, or duodenal ulcer, etc. Here, the stimulus is stronger than the defense mechanism and is received through the emotional receptors, but manifests solely in the physical body.
  3. If the daughter’s health has been further undermined, a more serious ailment may develop. In the beginning, it may be an exces-