who purchase materia medicas and study the remedies being given to them. Not having any training or clinical experience, they easily become confused over the various subtleties involved in choosing one remedy over another. Even worse, once they have read a few remedies in the materia medica, they naturally tend to describe their own symp- toms in terms of what they have read. If this process goes far enough, the homeopath may receive only information arising out of intellectual theorizing and no symptoms at all expressing the true pathological state of the patient.
A related group of problem patients confronting the homeopath are those with sufficient wealth to visit specialists all over the world. From one doctor, such a “doctor-hopping” patient may have acquired a di- agnosis of “neurasthenia,” with the recommendation to rest. From an- other, “adrenal exhaustion,” and a particular combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbs is prescribed. Then another nutritionist diagnoses the problem as “carbohydrate intolerance,” and the patient learns to avoid carbohydrates. Finally, a clinical ecologist discovers by skin tests and controlled pulse testing that the patient is allergic to twenty-five different substances present in foods and the environment. The patient strictly avoids the harmful foods, goes on a rotation diet which is not based upon individual requirements, and undertakes a series of allergy shots to diminish the allergy. By the time she arrives in the office of the homeopath, she is on a very abnormal diet, is taking boxes full of vita- mins, is groggy from Valium, and has just rushed to the office after re- ceiving an allergy shot. Besides that, instead of describing symptoms, the patient lists as chief complaints “neurasthenia,” “adrenal exhaus- tion,” “carbohydrate intolerance,” and “chemical hypersensitivities.”
Such people tend to view their homeopath as just another doctor among an entire network of people being paid to create a relatively comfortable state of “health” for the patient. They feel completely dependent on the drugs, the vitamins, the allergy shots, etc., and the mere suggestion that they discontinue them throws such patients into a panic. These people are in a most pitiable state. The image which might have arisen from their defense mechanism has long ago been suppressed into deeper levels, they have lost track of their abilities for self-observation, and they become addicts of the health industry. Such cases are virtually hopeless for a homeopath to treat successfully. Un- less they are willing to return to fundamental laws of Nature and of healing, they are doomed to continue their pilgrimages to doctors’ of- fices, their pill-popping, and degeneration in their chronic conditions.
Each of these groups of difficult cases raises a question to those familiar with eastern mysticism: What are the karmic implications