
The Science of Homeopathy – page 15

effort. Most people, on the other hand, experience degrees of imbal- ance ranging from slight to very severe; these are the individuals we consider dis-eased, in the broadest use of the term. In such people, the disturbance manifests itself in a highly individualistic and varied manner, but always the disturbance can be viewed as an imbalance in the organism’s ability to cope with internal and external influences. If we consider the individual as a totality, it is clear that the disturbances do not manifest themselves solely on the physical level of existence, as assumed in modern allopathic medical practice. The entire person is disturbed on all levels of existence, to varying degrees.

It is a common observation made by everyone that people vary in their sensitivity to environmental influences. Some people throughout life are blessed with the capacity to maintain a high level of creative living despite minimal hours of sleep, erratic diet, heavy work respon- sibilities, family pressures, and perhaps even major griefs in life. Other people, on the other hand, feel overwhelmed by minimal stresses, must get many hours of sleep and rest every day, and suffer a variety of symptoms after even a slight deviation from their usual diet. Some people barely notice heat and cold, while others are so sensitive that they can predict weather changes a day in advance.

Why is it that some people can cope with stresses effortlessly, and others become disturbed very easily? This is a very basic question which has separated two major traditions of medical thinking throug- out Western history. On the one hand, the Rationalist tradition which led to modern orthodox medical thinking focuses on what concrete factors lead to sickness in a person, in the hope that somehow un- derstanding the “exciting cause” of illness will enable curative inter- vention; this approach has been tested and applied quite adequately through history, yet we still see a steady and alarming increase of crip- pling degenerative diseases.

On the other hand, the Empiric tradition of thought focuses on the question, What enables a person to remain healthy despite many nox- ious influences?

Consideration of this question leads quickly to recognition of the fact that every organism possesses a defense mechanism which is constantly coping with stimuli from both internal and external sourc- es. This defense mechanism is responsible for maintaining a state of homeostasis, which is a state of equilibrium between processes tend- ing to disorder the organism and processes which tend to maintain order. Understanding precisely how this defense mechanism works is vital, for any significant impairment of its function rapidly leads to imbalance and finally death. It is the action of the defense mechanism