
The Science of Homeopathy – page 151

Chapter 11


Preparation of Medicines


ANY THERAPEUTIC METHOD must master the technical as- pects of the materials being used if there is ever to be any hope for achieving reproducible results. Standards of materials and methods must be carefully established and strictly followed. This is as true in homeopathy as it is in all other sciences.

Mostly, the burden of technical standardization has fallen on the shoulders of homeopathic pharmacists. Considering the smallness of the dose being administered to each patient, it is easy to imagine the problems facing these pharmacists in properly making a profit. Despite their difficulties, they have thus far done an admirable job in providing homeopaths the world over with excellent medicines of reliable stan- dard. However, if these standards are to be maintained, every practitio- ner must take steps to support the pharmacists preparing and dispens- ing our precious remedies. It is not enough to simply gather remedies into our offices and blindly take for granted that the supply will always be there. On the contrary, we must make arrangements whereby the pharmacists are benefited by our prescriptions just as we and our pa- tients are. If this is not done, the reliability, and eventually the avail- ability, or remedies will disappear altogether; this can as surely bring about the death of homeopathy as can the opposition of governments of orthodox medical societies.

In considering technical standards for the actual production of