Figure 12: The director initiates the experiment; he or she is the only person knowing the actual remedy being tested as well as the code governing who receives the remedy and who receives a placebo. The panel of experimenters monitors the responses, inquiring in detail into each symptom recorded in the diaries of the provers. The provers maintain careful records and a stable lifestyle in order to maximize the possibility of obtaining meaningful symptoms.
other about their symptoms under any circumstances.
The experiment begins with the administration of the test substance to the appropriate subjects in hypotoxic dosage. The potency should range from 1x to about 8x-1x being used for relatively nontoxic sub- stances (e.g., edible plants) and from 8x – 12x for more toxic substanc- es (e.g., hydrocyanic acid). Doses are given three times daily for a full month, or until symptoms appear. Careful instructions must be given that all doses should be discontinued whenever any definite symptoms out of the ordinary emerge. Nevertheless, detailed notations are contin- ued three times daily, even after discontinuation of the remedy. Even after the month of administration of the remedy has been completed, observation should continue for another three months, or however long it takes to be certain that no more new symptoms are arising.
Assuming that 50-100 provers participate in such an experiment, only the very rare subject will experience cure of preexisting symp- toms, some will develop new symptoms within the first few days, an- other larger group will show symptoms after the twentieth day, and the majority will display only few or no symptoms at all during the entire period of observation. This wide variation in response is perfectly ex- pectable from the variation in sensitivity described in Figure 11. Those who produce symptoms immediately are the most sensitive to the rem- edy; these are the provers who will continue the experiment later with higher potencies.
After plenty of time has elapsed to be sure that no more new symp- toms are emerging from the first phase, those subjects who reacted