the act of taking a medicinal substance.
4. The subject must be capable of appreciating the seriousness of the experiment.
5. The subject must be able to lead a life which is as normal as possible during the course of the experiment. This means that the life circumstances of the subject must be such as to allow a definite time for sleep, for walking, for eating, and to permit food free of chemicals, refined products, and spices or stimulants. Finally, the person must be able to maintain a reasonable degree of stability in relationship to job, family, friends – in the mental and emotional plane in general. In short, the subject must be able to live a life of moderation during the experi- ment, avoiding excessive influences.
The time of preparation before initiating the experiment must be at least one month in duration. During this time the provers should meticulously note down whatever symptoms or slight discomforts they experience on all three levels – mental, emotional, or physical. Diary notations must be made at least three times daily, to prevent even minor memory lapses. These observations must be made with the prover’s full conviction of the absolute importance of the experiment. Εach notation should record even the slightest deviation from the sub- ject’s normal state. It should include a description of each symptom in graphic and poetic detail, the intensity of the symptom, its duration, and all influences which make it worse or better. In addition, any pos- sible “exciting causes” should be noted, in order to put the true signifi- cance of the symptom in proper perspective. An example of such a no- tation might be: a moderate stitching pain behind the left eye, radiating toward the left temple, occurring at 9 A.M., after being criticized by wife for forgetting to pick up the milk, lasting 40 minutes, aggravated by sudden motion and noise, better from pressure and cold applica- tions. Another might be: irritability from too many details and from noise, accompanied by hunger, occurring at 3:30 P.M., unrelieved by walking or fresh air, relieved by eating. Once all these details of the subject’s “normal” state have been recorded for at least one month, his “baseline” has been recorded sufficiently to begin the experiment.
Before starting, the panel of researchers carrying out the experi- ment collect all the notes of prospective subjects and check them in order to decide who can participate. The following people should be excluded from the experiment from the outset:
- Those who note down a lot of emotional or mental symptoms. Too many symptoms in these realms confuse the final results.