
The Science of Homeopathy – page 143

present only a partial symptom picture. After all, cure is the object of the administration of the remedy, and symptoms eliminated during the process of a cure of the whole being are the most reliable of all because they indicate the highest degree of sensitivity to the remedy.1

Many times, the question has been asked whether it is possible to find people who are healthy enough to be able to take part in such experiments. Indeed, it is nearly impossible nowadays to find perfectly healthy people. It is for this reason that provings must conform to a strict format designed to minimize recording any preexisting patho- logical symptoms. This must be done with great care and double-blind objectivity.

The following description of such a strict format will undoubtedly dismay some readers. It requires a relatively large number of people, it occupies approximately 21/2 years of time, and it is of necessity rather expensive to complete. Nevertheless, these difficulties must be weighed against the fact that the information generated by such a procedure will be a solid foundation for prescribing for many generations. In our modern universities and medical centers, vast amounts of time, effort, and money are being spent to acquire data which are usually consid- ered outdated within ten or fifteen years. The experiments described herein, on the other hand, represent only a fraction of such expense, yet the data remain reliable for all generations to come.


Preparation for a Proving


Today, in order to participate in a valid proving, a subject must com- ply with the following requirements:


  1. The subject must be well-acquainted with homeopathic meth- odology, and above all, he or she must have a good knowledge of the symptomatology found in homeopathic materia medica. This require- ment is necessary for the subject to fully appreciate the particular de- viations that may manifest during the experiment.
  2. The subject must be between 18 and 45 years old, so that the natural bodily degeneration that comes with age will not be a serious factor. The person should be reasonably healthy by orthodox medical standards.
  3. The subject should not be a hysterical or anxious person. This is necessary because such individuals display a high incidence of “place- bo-effect”; in other words, they generate symptoms simply because of


1. It should be made clear that a single cured symptom, without corresponding cure of the whole organ- ism, is not to be considered as reliable.