
The Science of Homeopathy – page 135



AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION I, the processes involving health and disease are understandable through verifiable law and principles. Although these laws and principles have been known for centuries, it is only in recent times that the genius Samuel Hahnemann has enabled them to be formulated into the curative science of homeopathy. Just as physics moved from the Newtonian era into the concepts of modern physics, the field of medicine is slowly beginning to investigate the realms of energy fields in the human body.

The concepts presented in Section I are interesting and plausible in their own right, but they are merely sterile ideas until tested in the arena of actual clinical experience. It is in their application that the profound truths of homeopathy become alive with meaning and vivid in action. Having read this and other books on homeopathy, the reader may acquire an intellectually clear understanding of the Law of Simi- lars, the laws of direction of cure, the fact of potentization, and the concepts underlying predispositions to disease. This intellectual un- derstanding, however, is a long way from application. In specific terms, how is the totality of symptoms elicited from a patient so that the ac- tivities of the defense mechanism can be made visible? Likewise, how exactly do we arrive at the symptom picture elicited by homeopathic remedies? In actual practice, how do we match these two images when confronted with an individual patient? Once a remedy is given, pre- cisely how do the theoretical principles manifest in response? Finally, everyone knows that human beings only very rarely fit into neat and simple patterns; how, then, can homeopathy be applied to complex cases involving various interfering factors?

Because homeopathy is a therapy based solely upon stimulating the energy level of the human being, the underlying laws and principles governing this realm must be understood very thoroughly by the ho- meopath prior to attempting to handle an actual case. Once the un-