Figure 10: A diagram illustrating three miasmatic layers in triangular form. A child’s miasmatic predisposition will fall within the range of the parents’. Precisely where the child’s predisposition will fall depends upon typical factors which can be controlled by the parents – sleep, diet, exercise, consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs, etc.
In this way, conscientious attention on the part of parents to their own health during child-bearing years can save their children tremendous amounts of suffering throughout life.
Summary of Chapter 9
- Disease is the result of an “exciting cause” and a “maintaining cause.” The maintaining cause is the inherited chronic disease predis- position, “miasm.”
- Miasmatic predisposition is not merely a matter involving DNA, since diseases acquired during life can transmit their influences to sub- sequent generations.
- Chronic disease predispositions are the primary reason why some cases continue to relapse despite good therapy.
- Hahnemann’s miasmatic theories have been largely misunder- stood, ignored, or thoughtlessly transformed into routines for “clear- ing” a case of miasms.
- Layers of predisposition are removed one layer at a time. A rem- edy given at an improper time either has no effect or creates actual damage of two types: it can interfere with progress toward cure, and it