
The Science of Homeopathy – page 125

take as much as 20 years of careful, patient prescribing.

The predisposing weakness of the defense mechanism can be af- fected fundamentally by three major factors:


  1. Hereditary influence.
  2. Strong infectious diseases.
  3. Previous treatments and vaccinations.


Despite Hahnemann’s investigations, any homeopath who has stud- ied the course of degeneration of patients over a long period of time can attest to the presence of a large number of “miasms.” To be sure, Pso- ra, Syphilis, and Sycosis are major influences which are seen in daily practice. In addition, cancer, tuberculosis, and other major illnesses transmit from one generation to another characteristic disease-images which may not necessarily be equated with the particular pathological condition itself; for example, the child of a parent with tuberculosis may not get tuberculosis per se but is likely to suffer from asthmatic bronchitis, hay fever, sinusitis, emaciation, night sweats, restlessness, and a fear of dogs – all of which manifest in the provings of Tuberculi- num, which is the potentized “nosode” prepared from an actual tuber- culos abscess. Just so, another asthma patient coming from a family with a lot of cancer in its history may respond very well to administra- tion of the nosode Carcinosin, which is prepared from cancer tissue itself.

In the same manner, a patient may acquire a chronic disease pre- disposition after a bout with a severe infectious disease, and this pre- disposition may even be transmitted to subsequent generation. Thus, we sometimes see cases in whom well-selected remedies do not seem to be acting satisfactorily, yet who later respond to influenzinum (the nosode prepared from a collection of influenza viruses), after the dis- covery has been made of a serious influenza episode in the history of the patient or a parent.

Finally, allopathic drugs or vaccinations may engraft upon the or- ganism a predisposition to a particular syndrome of highly individual- ized homeopathic symptomatology. Smallpox vaccination, rabies vac- cine, polio immunization, cortisone, penicillin, tranquilizers, etc., are all capable of weakening the defense mechanism severely enough to predispose to chronic diseases of many types. In these instances, few provings have been done on the potentized vaccines or drugs, so the prescription of the corresponding nosode may have to be made blindly, but we do see cases responding very nicely to potentized Variolinum (smallpox vaccine nosode), Hydrophobinum (rabies nosode, which