5. Two similar diseases cure one another. Here, similarity is a more important factor than the strength of the disease.
6. Enough serious illnesses can engraft upon the constitution of the individual chronic disease predispositions that can persist throughout life and into subsequent generations.
Summary of Suppressive Therapy Section
- Allopathic drugs themselves are morbific stimuli to the human body.
- “Side-effects” are in fact signs of the defense mechanism react- ing to this morbific influence.
- Sufficient allopathic drugging can create such damage to the defense mechanism that the patient can become virtually incurable.
- Since allopathic drugs are never prescribed according to the Law of Similars, they inevitably superimpose upon the organism a new drug-disease.
- Drugs have two effects: a direct morbific influence, and the sup- pressive influence resulting from removal of the defense mechanism’s best possible response.
- Drug suppression is a major factor in the alarming increase in chronic diseases in our societies.
Summary of Vaccination Section
- Vaccination is not really an example of the homeopathic prin- ciple, since it is an indiscriminate administration of a substance to an entire population without regard to individuality.
- A vaccination is a morbific stimulus which changes the resonant frequency of the defense mechanism.
- Lack of reaction to vaccination may represent either a very healthy system or a deep constitutional weakness, as in both instances the resonant frequency of the patient does not allow a response. In such case, the patient would be immune to the epidemic, even if not vacci- nated.
- A mild reaction – merely local inflammation – indicates a rela- tively weak defense mechanism, and the altered vibration rate may well persist for a long time, leading to chronic disease later in life. Such cases are unlikely to react to further administration of the vac- cine, confirming the fact of the change in resonant frequency.
- A systemic reaction with fever, malaise, etc., indicates a strong defensive reaction which is likely to be successful in throwing off the