Vaccination is cited by many as being an example of allopathic use of the Law of Similars; superficially, this would appear to be true be- cause vaccines are small amounts of material which are capable of producing disease in normal people. Reflection on the principles enun- ciated in this book, however, will quickly clear up this point of confu- sion. Vaccines are administered to entire populations without any con- sideration of individuality. Each individual will have a unique degree of susceptibility to any vaccine, yet it is administered without regard to the uniqueness of each individual. Therefore, the concept of vacci- nation is almost the precise opposite of the principles of homeopathy; it is indiscriminate administration of a foreign substance to everyone, regardless of state of health or individual sensitivity.
What exactly does happen to the organism upon administration of a vaccine? Of course, modern studies in the field of immunology document very well the varieties of chemical and cellular mechanisms which are brought into play, but the further question can be asked: What happens on the dynamic plane upon administration of vaccine?
The experience of astute homeopathic observers has shown conclu- sively that in a high percentage of cases, vaccination has a profoundly disturbing effect on the health of an individual, particularly in relation to chronic disease.8 Whenever a vaccine is administered, it tends to change the electromagnetic vibration rate in the same way that a severe illness or allopathic drug does. Depending upon the state of health of the individual, there are two basic types of responses which can occur after vaccination:
- There may be no reaction to the vaccine at all.
The vaccination may “take,” which means that some degree of reaction is produced.
In the first instance, the lack of reaction may indicate either: 1) a very healthy system or 2) a system with deep constitutional weakness. This is analogous to the situation mentioned in Chapter 5 regarding susceptibility to gonorrhea. If a person’s state of health is nearly per- fect, i.e., at the bottom of the scale in Figure 7 (page 83) the organism is simply not sensitive to the vaccine, no resonance occurs, and there is no reaction. On the other hand, if the system is very weak, i.e., vibrat- ing on a much deeper level of susceptibility, the defense mechanism is incapable of producing an immediate reaction to the vaccine. of
- J. Compton Burnett, Vaccinosis (London: Homeopathic Publishing Co., 1884).