
The Science of Homeopathy – page 106

tions) exist beside each other in the same organism, or together form a double complex disease.

Aph. 45: No. Two diseases, differing, it is true, in kind, but very similar in their phenomena and effects and in the sufferings and symp- toms they severally produce, invariably annihilate one another when- ever they meet together in the organism; the stronger disease, namely, annihilates the weaker, and that for this simple reason, because the stronger morbific power when it invades the system, by reason of its similarity of action involves precisely the same parts of the organism that were previously affected by the weaker morbid irritation, which, consequently, can no longer act on these parts, but is extinguished, or (in other words), the new similar but stronger morbific potency con- trols the feelings of the patient and hence the life principle on account of its peculiarity, can no longer feel the weaker similar which becomes extinguished – exists no longer – for it was never anything material, but a dynamic – spirit – like – (conceptual) affection. The life principle henceforth is affected only and this but temporarily by the new, simi- lar but stronger morbific potency.

Hahnemann’s descriptions can be readily understood in terms of the model considered in this book. When he is speaking of two dissimilar diseases, he refers to two diseases in the same approximate spectrum which are close enough to resonate to some degree with the organism, but which are not quite close enough to annihilate each other. In such a circumstance, the strength of the disease is the crucial factor. If two diseases are similar enough (possess almost the identical resonance), they will stimulate the defense mechanism in such a manner as to an- nihilate one another completely; in this instance, the crucial factor lies more in the similarity than in the strength of the diseases. Of course, if one is exposed to a disease of extreme dissimilarity as to be on a different level altogether, the organism will simply not respond. All of us are exposed every day to potentially morbific agents, but we only occasionally actually contract the disease – depending upon our level of vibrational susceptibility and the degree of weakness of the defense mechanism at the moment.

In the next chapter, we will see how important the above concepts of disease interaction are to health. If enough powerful disease influ- ences occur in the life of an individual, the defense mechanism be- comes progressively weakened in layers. These layers of predisposi- tion are called in homeopathy “miasms,” and they become important factors to any clinician dealing with chronic diseases.