pends upon the degree of susceptibility or “affinity” for the substance.
5. If the sensitivity is close enough, even the crude form of a bio- logically active substance can be therapeutic, although generally the effect lasts only temporarily.
6. To get curative results that are lasting, it is necessary to increase the intensity of the electromagnetic field of the substance. This is done through potentization, which is succussion and dilution. Neither suc- cussion alone nor dilution alone are effective.
7. There is no limit to the degree of potentization possible, even when Avogadro’s number is exceeded and no molecule of the original substance is present.
8. As yet, there is no available explanation for this phenomenon, although its validity has become undeniable. Somehow, the force of the electromagnetic field of the original substance is transferred to the solvent molecules, yet without changing the resonant frequency.
9. Remedies have properties which may be useful clues for future research into the phenomenon of potentization: they are inactivated by direct sunlight, heat in excess of 110-120°F., and perhaps by aromatic substances such as camphor.