
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 93


12. The organism always reacts as a totality to any given stimulus. In its natural condition, the organism recognizes a stimulus as information to which it is susceptible, and thereby vulnerable; this susceptibility generates an attraction and responsiveness to the stimulus.
Stimuli can be specific like bacteria, microbes, viruses, fungi, etc., or non-specific like climatic changes, emotional grief, mental upsets, shocks, etc.
An organism will be affected only by those stimuli to which it is predisposed and to which it has a particular affinity; this will be called its susceptibility. All other stimuli will leave it unaffected or unharmed.
Susceptibility to certain stimuli has to be understood as a potentially precarious state of health which the organism has had since birth or has developed after certain specific stresses. At a certain point in time and while the organism is under stress, this susceptibility to certain stimuli unfolds into an actual pathological condition (into an acute or chronic disease). These reactions (symptoms of diseases) are needed by the organism in order to counteract the stress. This unfolding is a natural process that springs from the law of selection, which states that if the individual is strong enough, he will survive the crisis and will come out of it deeply "cleansed" and even stronger.
The situation is entirely different if the organism is assaulted by a powerful drug that is introduced into it (especially on a long-term basis). These prescription and non-prescription drugs that are ingested every day by millions of people (patients, drug addicts, etc.) throughout the world have an unlimited power to destroy the defenses of the human organism, especially its immune system. AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS), Candida, cancer, schizophrenia, arthritis,