
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 92

indescribable emptiness, a depletion of energy and an emotional "sclerosis" that makes them look old and emotionally dead, even at the age of 25.
The misunderstanding or lack of-understanding of the function and importance of the emotional plane is due to the fact that it is the most potent generator of human pain and suffering. By killing this side of their nature, some people think they can avoid pain.
Few understand the meaning of such pain and the potential it contains for the evolution of the human species. Few understand that it is exactly this kind of suffering, coming from this plane, that bestows a quality that distinguishes us from an otherwise completely animalistic and crude existence. Few take into consideration the important role of the emotions, especially people in established medicine. When these emotions become extreme, they are deadened with strong chemical drugs. The price we shall have to pay in the near future for such unwise practices may be so high that it will border on the disastrous. Emotionally hard, sick and devious people will inflict horror and pain on each other without the normal restraints imposed by a "good and kind heart." Health practitioners, more than anyone else, should understand and utilize such knowledge in a correct manner.