
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 90


11. The human being must be understood as a very complex energy unit with the potential for either evolution or degeneration.
By evolution we mean a greater degree of coherence in informational patterns leading to an enhanced capacity for creativity and longevity.
By degeneration we mean a greater degree of confusion in these informational patterns with an increased tendency for destruction.
Every human being has the potential to be more cohesive, complete and organized and therefore to progress toward regeneration. But at the same time the potential exists for him to be adversely affected by different external or internal negative factors that can disrupt and provoke the degeneration of his whole system.
That which evolves or degenerates is not only the material body but the emotional and spiritual aspects of the human being. These two aspects (the material and the spiritual-psychic) may not coincide in their progression or regression. In other words, while the physical body may be degenerating, the mental level—and especially the spiritual aspect of that level— may progress to a greater degree of coherence or vice-versa. For example, during a period when the physical body may be badly afflicted by a severe chronic disease, the psychic-spiritual planes of this human being may progress to greater degrees of organization and coherence. We have examples of geniuses whose capacity for scientific or artistic achievement was great at a time when their physical bodies were degenerating from a chronic disease. It is also not accidental that many times we witness a strange phenomenon in those who are dying from severe afflictions. At this time they put their best selves forward, showing a strong spiritual turn of mind and a loving disposition