
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 84

1. Temporary suspension of the logical mind (part or parts of
the mental level)
2. Temporary suspension of feelings (either part or all of the
emotional level)
3. Temporary suspension of the five senses (part or whole)
These phenomena can take place because the human organism has a structure that is not a pure physical form but is also an energy form. Some like to call it the "ethereal body," others the "astral body," still others "bioenergy"; while physicists formerly called it anti-matter, and those currently doing research on "small clusters" like to call it a "fifth state of matter." We do not care what it is called, as long as everyone understands and acknowledges that this state of matter has "new qualities" that very much resemble the qualities of energy.
The age-old disputes between the materialists (believers in only the purely physical world) and those contemptuously called "metaphysicians" have cost humanity a lot of suffering. We hope this will come to an end soon for the benefit of humanity.
It is time that we unify and utilize the totality of human knowledge in all its diverse manifestations—the scientific, the philosophical, the religious and the metaphysical.
Not only must we integrate these factors, but we have to do it as quickly as possible. Scientists have to learn to listen to philosophers as well as religious advocates and metaphysicians, while philosophers and metaphysicians have to integrate the findings of science in their philosophical contemplation. There will be hope for this planet only if a new type of individual emerges who will integrate the knowledge of the human mind bequeathed to us by centuries of effort and suffering.
9. The different degrees of dissociation possible indicate the extreme complexity of the fields generated by the human body and the sophisticated interconnections that give forth such variable phenomena.
It is interesting to observe that a dissociation occurs in many more situations than have been enumerated. For instance, when somebody concentrates on solving a problem he uses a certain degree of dissociation to isolate himself from environmental distractions. In such cases it is normal for him to be