
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 82

g. Schizophrenia
In this disease, like so many other psychotic disorders, the patient is living in a condition of partial exteriorization (dissociation), somewhere between the physical world and dream world. He is able to receive impressions from both spheres at the same time. It is interesting to note that the word schizophrenia, which comes from Greek, literally means a split or disconnection of the mind. What is of great importance is that chemical drugs can induce such states; witness the effects of hallucinogenic drugs. 25 – 29

Figure 18: Schizophrenic state: Hallucination.
h. Chemically induced "dissociation" using hallucino¬genic drugs
This is certainly a well-known and thoroughly documented phenomenon.6.12. 30-48 In this condition, those that ingest the hallucinogen are known to exist for hours or even days in a state of "dissociation." In this state, the drugged person perceives other ethereal worlds, often losing the ability to discern the objective realities of this physical world.
Sometimes there is a partial dissociation experienced under the influence of these drugs. This is also seen in schizophrenia, where people live in their own fantasy world and have a confused perception of reality and the physical world.