
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 80

e. Hypnosis
During hypnosis the subject experiences a dissociation of mental and physical planes and loses control of his rational mind. The hypnotist can manipulate the mind, feelings and senses of the subject through a specialized technique.
What is important and interesting to observe is how many different possibilities the organism has at its disposal to associate these finer elements with and dissociate them from the grosser ones. Research in these areas may reveal very interest¬ing phenomena in connection with the genesis of diseases in general and may lend strength to the notion that there is a need for more refined therapeutic tools than the crude drugs being used today by allopathic medicine.613
f. Yogic and religious trances
There are many reports about yogis, especially from India, who remain in trance for days. They go "outside" of their body, yet at the same time their physical body remains entirely rigid. Of course, such states are extremely regenerating but very difficult for ordinary people to attain. Such trances are actively and consciously brought about by yogis or other religious adepts. In other words, the individual by himself severs his connection with the physical-material world. There are so many accounts of