
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 78

Somnambulism is a pathological state where the interacting fields are confused and the physical body is perplexed. But regeneration can take place because the conscious mind together with the five senses are being "silenced."

Figure 14: Somnambulism.
c. Fainting
In this phenomenon we witness an ultimate reaction of the defenses to save the organism from extreme danger. The finer elements of the organism containing the higher faculties and senses are deeply dissociated from the grosser elements to the extent that nothing is felt, even if there is extreme pain, as in the case of an amputation.
In this situation we witness the effort of the organism to protect the whole system from the repercussions of extreme pain, which could have a fatal effect upon the heart or brain. Again, at this point we observe in the organism the same principle of "knocking out" the conscious mind, feelings and five senses.