
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 77

In the second phase the individual goes deeper into sleep and the dream phase begins. The regeneration in this phase is much better. His conscious mind cannot easily become aware of the physical world, and it is more difficult to hear sounds in the environment, but he still can be easily aroused.
In the third phase he is deep into "oblivion." This is deep sleep and he cannot be awakened easily. Regeneration is fairly complete in this phase. During one night’s sleep, an individual goes in and out of these stages according to the needs of his organism.
There is a fourth stage of sleep that is the deepest and most dissociated of all. This is the stage which the organism needs the most in order to regenerate.12
b. Somnambulism (sleepwalking)
In this condition, individuals sit up in bed, walk or carry out automatic and semi-purposeful complex motor activities. Patients remain unconscious and will resist being aroused.