
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 74

As we have already tried to show, the Model presented here deals mostly with the energy complex of the human organism and considers it the foundation on which the organism is built and therefore of primary importance. We shall now proceed a step further and state that the mental and emotional planes not only constitute distinct entities, but also "dissociate" from the physical body under certain conditions.
This is an issue that if proven true would confirm the independence of the different levels as well as their distinct energy structures.
8. All evidence permits us to assume that there is not only a possibility but a necessity, under certain circumstances, for the organism to "unite" or "dissociate" the complex energy fields of the mental-emotional planes, or parts thereof, and the fields of the physical body.
A human being is actually an energy unit that can generate or receive energy. To become receptive to this energy, the mental-emotional parts must dissociate, to a certain degree, from the physical. This could be an issue for dispute, but new evidence is providing more than enough information to overcome scepticism.
There are several circumstances under which we witness such a phenomenon:
a. Sleep
b. Somnambulism
c. Fainting
d. Surgical anesthesia
e. Hypnosis
f. Yogic and religious trances
g. Schizophrenia