
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 71

Azoth by the Alchemists,
Spiritus by Fludd,
Odic force by Reichenbach,
Animal magnetism by Mesmer,
Etheric energy or bioenergy or simple substance by
occultists and metaphysicians like Swedenborg,
Vital energy or vital force or vital body by the vitalistic
Orgone by Reich,
Bioplasma by Russian researchers, etc.
The prospects are that we will probably hear it called by many different names in the future. For the sake of understanding in this treatise we shall call it universal energy because this more accurately identifies one of its main qualities—universality. I believe the most conclusive answer about this energy will soon be given by physicists who deal with "small clusters" (a new branch of physics that is rapidly developing).17
It appears that we are in constant communication with universal energy, continuously exchanging energies with it, especially under certain circumstances that will be explained.
As I have already mentioned, every night during sleep we "open up" to receive extremely valuable information. We receive this in the form of dreams and symbols8’25 that are absolutely necessary for the continuation of life. It seems that it is not a haphazard energy but one of purpose, since it accomplishes specific things. From the vast reservoir of universal energy the individual organism draws a specific type of needed energy or information. This energy seems to bring about required correc¬tions or rearrangements within the organism in order to allow the process of regeneration to occur.
As has been noted, a complete health science must take into account the content of and interrelations between the physical, emotional and mental planes of existence. In addition, the complex relationship of man with his environment demands attention in the healing arts. Consequently, any truly holistic approach to health should not only pay heed to the physical, mental and emotional planes, but should also consider:
1. The correct intake of nourishing, properly grown food (food quality, combination and quantity)