
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 68

6. Man lives in the universe as an integral part of it. The individual actually exists and copes with the environment through his capacity to exchange energies with it.
Human beings are inseparably connected with their immediate and broader environment in different ways:
a. From food
b. From the air they inhale
c. From exposure to sunlight
d. From the earth’s temperature
e. From exchanging energies with their universal environment
I do not believe anybody at the present time would dispute factors (a) through (d). What is perhaps still difficult to conceive is the notion that our existence depends entirely on our capacity to exchange energies with our environment at large, and that this exchange is absolutely necessary for the continuation of life on earth.
Although this aspect is extremely important for our existence and well-being, it has been entirely neglected in our search for health. I am sure everyone understands that in order for such energy exchanges to take place, we must have the necessary receptors, and they should be in good condition in order to do their fine and complex work.
A hypothetical question to ponder is: If in the research for therapeutic drugs this parameter is not taken into consideration, what will be the consequences for those receptors? When we ingest a chemical drug and we develop insomnia or some unexplained physical weakness, how much is this drug responsible for our insomnia? How much is it responsible for the