
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 60

level); mental confusion, delusions or paranoid ideation (mental level); or there may be some kind of effect on all of these levels. We see that the organism, according to the information inherent in its DNA, RNA, genes, chromosomes, etc., reacts in an entirely individualistic manner.
The same will apply for a shock received through the physical body (plane). These "shocks" can result from exposure to a virus, a bacteria, a very damp or otherwise adverse climate, etc. The organism will react to such a shock in a highly individualistic manner, distributing the final reaction to one, two or even all three planes. It is for this reason that massive treatments usually disappoint both their exponents and patients—because the results they produce are only on the material plane, therefore they are too "gross" and thus harmful, especially for sensitive organisms that do not possess a robust defense mechanism.