
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 59

cal importance, so are the different systems within each plane classified; e.g. the "irritability system," the "anxiety system," the "depression system," etc.
It is obviously better for a patient to be dissatisfied with something rather than be depressed; irritability is a better state than anguish; and anxiety is better than suicidal depression. The same thing applies to the mental level, as depicted in the diagram.
5. Each of these three planes—the mental, emotional and physical—though complex in nature, constitute distinct and separate entities that differ essentially in their vibrational frequencies and informational patterns.
These three distinct planes interact with extreme intelligence and react to any stimulus in a concerted manner that is always consistent with their own idiosyncrasies.
It is obvious that mental energy is of a different vibrational frequency than emotional energy, or sexual energy, or physical energy. The quality of the energy used to move our hand is not the same as the quality of energy used to produce a thought. The energy that makes the heart pump is not of the same quality as the energy that produces an emotion. Different emotions have different qualities of energy as well. For example the quality of energy generated in a love situation is entirely different from that generated in a situation of anger or hatred. In short, the organism has the capacity to generate complex energy fields according to the information that has been engrafted in its internal codes (DNA, RNA, genes, chromosomes, etc.) through hereditary predisposition and personal experiences.
External, internal, positive or negative information can be received through any of these three planes, but the organism reacts to the information (stress) in a total and individualistic manner. For instance, an emotional shock that is received through the emotional plane is not always going to show a reaction on the emotional level. For example, a separation from a loved one that produces a shock which cannot be handled by the organism will tend to produce some type of reaction, which may be a skin eruption (skin), herpes on the lip (mucous membrane), a duodenal ulcer (digestive system), liver disturbance; anxiety, depression, suicidal depression (emotional