
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 58

The same idea is valid for diseases that affect whole systems such as the nervous system, circulatory system, endocrine system, lymphatic system, digestive system, respiratory system, etc.
The same idea of hierarchy is also valid for the mental and emotional planes.

Figure 9: The Mental, Emotional and Physical Planes with their diverse systems classified in descending order of importance.
The argument here is that the mechanism that produces anxiety is a whole "system," like the circulatory or nervous system. In an individual a given stimulus could trigger either a centrally located or a more peripheral focus within the "anxiety system" of his psyche. A severe or mild anxiety syndrome could result in proportion to the depth of the irritated focus.
The same idea is valid for depression. A particular event can trigger either a severe depression that immediately leads to a suicidal impulse or a mild depression (which is dealt with much more easily than the former reaction). The phenomenon is similar to that seen in the nervous system. The effect would be quite different if a wound affected only peripheral nerve endings rather than the brain or central nervous system. But just as the systems themselves are classified according to their hierarchi-