
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 54

medical science has ignored certain aspects that are absolutely vital in understanding the human body in its entirety. The long-term results of this practice have proven disastrous.
In despair, people turned to alternatives, and so the Holistic movement appeared. Medical science will now reluctantly, per¬haps even under coercion, learn from it.


Figure 8: The three planes of being: Mental, Emotional and Physical.
3. A hierarchical relationship exists among the three planes
It appears that the organism, by some intricate mechanism, maintains a hierarchy of all three levels.
The most important plane for the organism is the mental-spiritual plane, which is the most central as well. A disturbance on this level is going to be felt acutely by the whole organism. Destruction of this level, the likes of which is witnessed during a severe mental disorder, takes away everything that is most important and precious to the individual, that which distin¬guishes him from the animals. Losing one’s mental faculties is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. The organism, through its own physical structure, primarily protects this part and will not easily allow a disturbance to deeply penetrate it unless the organism has been greatly undermined.