
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 52

As we may assume from the above statistics, developed countries whose populations have consumed tremendous amounts of allopathic drugs have high suicide rates, while underdeveloped countries have significantly lower rates. Ac¬cording to my hypothesis, the emotional plane, which is the weakest and the least-trained of the three planes, has been affected more easily and more severely by the consumption of such enormous quantities of drugs, something that did not occur in underdeveloped countries because they could not afford all these medicines.
These statistics point out the possibility that diseases, or rather "imbalances", will easily move on to the emotional plane under the stress of chemical drugs and cause a host of very painful psychological conditions, such as anxiety or phobic neuroses, depression, manic-depression, and in short, all those emotional disturbances that are so prevalent in our modern western societies today.
The Physical Plane
The physical body is the part of the human being that has received the most attention. It has been analyzed, dissected, examined in its anatomical structure and physiology to an unprecedented degree. It is the most tangible part and therefore the most readily available for investigation. Yet I do not believe that it has given up all its secrets. In fact, it is very doubtful whether its inherent laws have been understood at all.
It is a matter of great curiosity how it was possible for medical science to continue interfering deeply with the mechanisms of