
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 48

Our educational system elevates the merits of logic and scientific excellence at the expense of morality and ethics. Few curricula contain classes in morality and ethics, subjects that should rightfully dominate our thought. As a consequence, our educational system has unwittingly endorsed deception. For example, many brilliant legal minds seek to gain advantage by devious and clever manipulation of the laws, unconscious of the ethical implications of their behavior. Such instances are far from sporadic; they are, in fact, endemic in our society. Rather than glorifying that which is just and morally upright, our society often seems to discourage and scorn the adherence to moral imperatives. Is it possible to promote health in such an environment?
We must remember that the mind feeds and grows on ideas, and if the ideas that are accepted and nurtured by the mind are false or destructive, the individual is actually "taking in poisonous food" that is eventually going to undermine the spiritual plane of his existence. It is somewhat analogous to somebody eating "junk food" all the time; the end result will be the destruction of his physical body. Are not such diseases as AIDS and cancer to be expected in such a society?
A disturbing phenomenon of contemporary society is the aggressive pursuit of excessive wealth through exploitation of others. This acquired wealth is then frequently squandered on lavish self-indulgence. Philanthropic concerns evaporate in the heat of such greed. Individuals caught up in this modern phenomenon may possess mental clarity and coherence; their capabilities in the business world attest to that. However, on the deepest levels of the mental-spiritual plane such persons are very sick; all of their "creative" actions are selfishly motivated, serving only themselves.
Unfortunately, such widespread greed and selfishness is a sign of the spiritual crisis of our times and is primarily responsible for the increasing "insanity" in our western societies. The insecurity, tremendous anxiety, anger, hurriedness, superficiality, insensitiveness, callousness, competitiveness, aggressiveness, irritability, paranoia, criminality, etc., are all results of the deep mental and spiritual imbalance which is so prevalent in our times. We must learn where the responsibility for this imbalance lies.