
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 47

If medicinal drugs destroy this plane of existence, it is assumed that this definitely constitutes a suppression rather than a cure, even if the physical pathology has been temporarily relieved. Here is an example: A man seeks treatment for his rheumatoid arthritis, and after a year or two of treatment, he finds that his joint pains are better but that he has lost all sense of happiness and freedom; his ability to reflect on the essential issues of life has been minimized or lost. According to the Model of health and disease, this treatment would be called suppres-sive. It is suppressive because, while the physical ailments are getting better, the man is being destroyed on a deeper level.
Other aspects of the mental plane further down the hierarchical scale than the spiritual are the thinking processes—the abilities to compare, calculate, synthesize, analyze, communicate, perceive, create and express ideas, do abstract thinking, etc. In essence, one can say that the mental plane is the part of the organism that registers changes in perception and understanding. A disturbance of these functions constitutes mental symptoms or mental derangement. In order for the mental faculties to be considered healthy they should possess the following qualities:
1. Clarity
2. Coherence
3. Creativity
I will assume that clarity and coherence are self-explanatory and will proceed to the definition of creativity. By healthy creativity I mean any kind of creative act, regardless of artistic merit—the building of a factory, the production of a piece of furniture, setting up a shop, making a piece of art, repairing a television set, etc. But for such activities to be considered healthy, they must be motivated by two essential intentions:
1. Serving oneself by satisfying one’s own needs, ultimately to
promote self-evolution.
2. Serving others at the same time with the same objectives.
It is important that the individual feels happiness in serving others to the same degree that he feels happiness in serving himself. An individual who is healthy always considers the consequences that his actions have upon others.