
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 46

I have included the human being’s spiritual side in the mental level because I consider it to be the highest part of this plane. This aspect, though, is not fully developed in all people. It is an aspect that permits evolution or improvement and exists at the least in a "dormant state" in all individuals. For instance, for primitive people it is the primordial fear of the supernatural or unknown that leads them to the most rudimentary elements of religion and to the formation of a spiritual nature.
According to some sociologists and psychologists the "fear of death" has become a substantial factor in our "civilized" western society. This is also clearly depicted in established medicine’s attitude and edicts concerning death. Medicine’s whole philosophy in trying to cure people and prevent death at whatever cost to the individual, his family and society has a lot to do with this fear of death.
The more evolved the individual, the more developed is his spiritual aspect. Once the spiritual plane is awakened, the individual is driven by an inner desire, an inner quest to find answers to certain essential issues. The basic questions we usually ask are:
— "Who am I?"
— "Where am I going?"
— "What is the purpose of my life?"
— "What is my mission in this world?"
— "What is God?"
— "What is Truth?" etc.
At times the answers to these questions come to a blessed few of us in the form of sublime mystical experiences.
The positive expression of this plane is the development of the individual’s spiritual consciousness; its negative expression is the deterioration of consciousness and consequent degeneration into moral and ethical chaos.
When this spirituality develops in a natural and healthy way, one feels a deep sense of humility and is inspired to selfless service. In addition, a spiritually developed individual enjoys a profound sense of mental quietude. But when spirituality is developed in an unhealthy way, negative qualities such as arrogance, selfishness, uneasiness and a disturbing sense of guilt appear.