
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 44

changes; many times their experiences were dismissed or ig¬nored by researchers.
It is even easier to perceive the existence and power of emotional energy because it is on a grosser level than mental energy. Everybody has had the experience of being in the presence of a very angry person and perceiving the discharge of aggressive energy flowing from that person. This is even more evident when two people are extremely angry at one another. There may be complete silence, words may not be spoken, but there are negative, aggressive vibrations in the air felt by many of those present. Enormous flow of a specific, emotional energy (E ) is generated in such a situation that nobody can ignore or dismiss.
Another situation in which a lot of emotional energy is generated is when two people fall in love. This energy is specific, directed toward the loved one, and can be perceived without words; there is a total communication of love to the other person.
Everybody will say that someone who is upset is in a state of emotional agitation. Yet established medicine has never researched the type of mental or emotional upsets produced by the different pharmaceutical products. Later we shall try to show that these mental and emotional areas suffer the most damage from chemical drugs.
The reason why established medicine does not consider these elements lies in the very structure and process of the experiment itself. Scientists have to ignore individualized reactions to the drug under examination; otherwise, they would not be able to repeat an experiment. Even today it is apparent that medical research operates and bases its research on a "mechanical" concept of the human being.2021
The sexual energy’s potential is very obvious in everyday life, so much so that I feel I do not have explain it in any great depth. It remains on an even grosser or more material level than emotional energy. Examples of sexual energy are commonplace. We are all familiar with cases where someone is very tired and has no energy. He meets a woman that he loves and energy is produced in this encounter. Not only does he now have energy but he feels rejuvenated.
For years advertisers have acknowledged and very successfully utilized sexuality and the energy it produces in their marketing campaigns. Such is the great power of sexual energy.