
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 42

1. The human body is an energy complex that generates all forms of familiar energies—electric, magnetic, thermal, kinetic and electromagnetic —which can eas¬ily be detected by simple devices of which the most sophisticated is the electroencephalograph. But there are also other types of subtle energies that have not yet been defined and which relate primarily to the mental, emotional and instinctual levels of the human being.
Today, nobody can deny the existence of mental, emotional and sexual energies.116 We all understand and perceive when a certain person has a strong mental energy (Me), that his thought patterns are strong, well organized, coherent, easily communicated, and therefore effective in influencing others.
On the other hand we may note a person’s mental weakness, the chaotic way he expresses his ideas, the lack of organizational patterns in his thinking processes, and how much less effective he is in communicating his thoughts.
We frequently hear of extrasensory experiences or experience them ourselves. We can "tune in" to another person’s thought pattern before he has verbally communicated this thought to us. In the Far East, especially in India, mind reading is a common phenomenon among those who have prepared themselves for such a task. Krishna Menon, India’s Minister of External Affairs, was renowned for his capacity to read the minds of those who visited him for a request.
Mental power seems to be a perceptible energy with a specific vibrational frequency that can be transmitted by energy particles under specialized conditions and thus be "received" by other similar "mental apparati." The fact that this kind of energy is not defined in the academic texts does not make it nonexistent.