
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 36

medical measures including medical interventions in the major infectious diseases…It seems that the major impact on these diseases is likelier to come from changes in lifestyle, behavior, and the environment than from traditional medical care."51
McKeown, the reknowned medical thinker and researcher, states that the contribution of clinical medicine to the preven¬tion of death and the increase in life expectancy in the past three centuries was smaller than the influence of the solution to problems of malnutrition, of water and food shortages and of the disproportion between rates of reproduction and the basic re¬sources of life.
Another example of drug "futility" is exemplified in the following statement by McKeown, "…the mortality from tuber¬culosis fell sharply from the time when it was first recorded; since then, a large part of the decline occurred before the introduction of effective treatment in 1947."49 (Figure 3) How¬ever, Drews, the director of the research department at SANDOZ, presented a misleading diagram. Only a portion of the general diagram was shown in order to prove that the course of tuberculosis was affected drastically by the introduction of chemotherapy (Figure 4).