
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 190

change these values. I do not exclude anyone from such accusations, including myself. I have known in my life highly evolved spiritual individuals who were also not entirely free from the more subtle forms of greed and selfishness.
—Is it then perhaps logical to think that such a society deserves the kind of medical treatment it has thus far received ?
—Is it possible that the medical establishment thinks itself exempt from fallacy?
—Is the medical establishment’s aggressiveness and competitive behavior only a representation of the behavior long present in our society?
—Is it possible that at a certain point in time the idealism (thoughts to save humanity, etc.) amongst medical students is replaced by the more materialistic conviction that studying medicine is the best financial investment?
I fully expect responses to these questions will vary, and I believe that they can be truly answered only when each physician individually confronts his conscience. Unfortunately, we cannot ask "systems" to face their consciences. It is individuals who are responsible for our various "systems." There is an anonymity and vagueness to organized health systems behind which the individual employee can hide. The individual’s conscience is somewhat protected by such systems, and his feelings of guilt are allayed by the fact that he does not feel personally responsible for what is taking place. One can accuse the medical establishment and its affiliated organizations ad infinitum, but I am neither a moralist nor a fatalist. I have always believed in doing something to improve ourselves and the societies in which we live, though such changes have almost invariably come after much suffering and great calamities. I suppose what I am looking for is the best action to take under the present circumstances.
I have no delusions, and I do not expect the ideas contained in this treatise to be readily accepted by the medical establishment. On the contrary, I am certain that even if there is a widespread, general acceptance by the scientific community, there will always be members of the medical establishment who will find excuses and different reasons for continuing the status quo.